Before we begin today’s blog Krista Dueck would like me to say that she is awesome. Now let us move on with this blog after that seemingly useless and incredibly vain piece of information.
Ed. Note: ALL these singers are awesome! What a priviledge to work with them all year!This morning we were once again up at the crack o’ dawn to start the final day of our 2008 RJC Chorale tour. When we all arrived at the church it became apparent that many of us had had the luxury of staying in mansions of sorts. The people of Richmond Park church sure knew not only how to billet, but also how to buy houses! Our first stop of the day was two hours away in Yorkton at the Yorkton Regional High School (YRHS). There we put on a fairly short show during their schools choir class. The students of said class were very glad to have us, possibly because of our sheer, jaw dropping, awe inspiring, heart melting talent; or possibly because they got to miss their choir rehearsal to listen to us. This was also a treat for them as their choir only has three guys in it. Our basses (and I suppose the tenors too) put on a great show as always. (If I do say so myself, talent wise, the bass section is the strongest section in the choir, led of course by Jeremy Enns, Curtis Wiens, and Erik “Beans” Epp, a tri force known far and wide as the “Three Musketeers”)
Ed. Note: Please note that Jeremy and Curtis are the authors of this blog. Thanks guys!After the short program we departed on another two hour drive to Drake, home town of our Cara Warkentin. Cara’s family, among others, put on a great meal of farmer sausage, ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, and the ever vital baked buns. Coincidentally it was Erik Epp’s 16th birthday today, and Mrs. Warkentin had baked him a cake!
Our final (and only for that matter) performance at a public high school (YRHS).

Our last (and first) stop for slurpees bought by Gail. Thanks Gail!
Also one of many hacky sack circles throughout the trip.

The last (but not the first) time we stopped beside a Jansen sign on the side of the highway for a photo op.

Putting the finishing touches on the Womens Choir piece “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”