Wednesday, April 20, 2011

RJC CMU Fundraising Banquet and Concert

Canadian Mennonite University (Winnipeg) joined us for the annual Fundraising Banquet and Concert at Osler Mennonite Church on April 19.  Over 250 people registered for the banquet, and well over 300 came to the concert featuring the CMU Singers (directed by Dr. Rudy Schellenberg) and the RJC Chorale (directed by Richard Janzen.)

Jordan, Erin and Teresa share with the crowd at the banquet why RJC has been an important part of their life.

Dr. Gerald Gerbrandt, president of Canadian Mennonite University addresses the banquet audience.

RJC Chorale (directed by Richard Janzen) opened the concert portion of the evening.

The sopranos of Chorale in full song.

Chorale performed a vocal painting piece entitled "Motion" by Ragnar Rasmussen.  The colourful piece from Finland represents the visual impact of the Northern Lights.

CMU Singers (directed by Dr. Rudy Schellenberg) opened their part of the concert with "Pentatonic Alleluia."  A nice touch was the addition of handbells.

There are four RJC alumni currently singing with the CMU Singers.

The choirs combined to end the concert. Here Richard Janzen leads the choirs through the Easter Carol "The Crown of Roses" by Tchaikovsky

Dr. Rudy Schellenberg directed the combined choirs in a performance of Johann Pachelbel's "Singet Dem Herrn" for two choirs.